Tillicum School Seismic Upgrade

The project consisted of the addition of both internal and external structural steel to fortify the existing structure, in conjunction with reinforcement of the masonry block components of the school. This project required complex phasing of the schedule in order to complete all aspects of the work in the time frame that was allotted without interrupting any classroom activities throughout the school year. The major structural work required inside the classrooms was carried out over two summers, using a compressed schedule, with selective demolition to prepare for this work being carried out during the school year.

UVic Engineering Computer Science Building

Completed on budget in 2006, the University of Victoria’s Engineering and Computer Science Building is the second campus building to earn Gold accreditation status in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design green building rating system. The building boasts sustainable design features including optimized natural light, a recycled water plumbing system and natural landscaping, and is 25% more energy efficient that the model described by the national energy code for buildings.

UVic Continuing Studies Building

The Continuing Studies Building was completed in 2003 with a design focus on low impact development. The building features low flush toilets, energy efficient light fixtures and showers for cyclists. The landscaping is designed to improve storm-water quality and reduce water runoff. Like the University of Victoria, the Farmer Group of Companies advocates sustainability in planning and building operations.

Camosun College Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence

Built to meet LEED Gold Certification, the Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence was completed in 2008. A concrete and structural steel training facility, PISE is focused to provide unprecedented sport education and athlete development in an environment incorporating Green Building principles that consider the use of natural ventilation and angled glass walls to moderate building temperatures, storm water treatment and recycled construction materials among others. As the Construction Manager “At Risk”, Farmer was excited to have been an integral member of the team that made this worthy project a reality.

Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences

With support from the Ministry of Education and Western Economic Diversification Canada and matching funds from the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), the Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Science was built on land donated by the City of Port Alberni and opened to students in 2011. Farmer acted as Construction Manager and General Contractor to NIDMAR for this very significant global community project.