HeroWork Volunteer Callout!

On April 28th at 10:30am, Farmer Construction will bring all workers together at our various work sites to pause for a moment of silence to honor and remember co-workers and family members who were injured, made sick or killed because…
A big shout out to Jenna Williams, Seth Calder and Ryan Garland on your amazing accomplishment! Our Team Farmer apprentices received their Youth Work in Trades Awards on Friday, April 28th. These students each worked over 900 hours in the…
Tom Arsenault came to Farmer Construction Ltd. as a new worker to the industry in July 2020. Tom completed his New Worker training on January 12, 2021 while working on our Beacon Hill project. Tom has shown that he understands…
Big day yesterday….. Building 2 of UVic Student Housing and Dining – first slab on grade pour! Way to go TEAM! Photo credit to Marah Abdulmajeed, Project Coordinator
A survey conducted by the BC Construction Association (BCCA) indicates the industry is becoming increasingly diverse, with 10,667 women now working in construction in the province. Women now make up 6.2 per cent of the workforce, a 35 per cent…
Congratulations to Allison Greenwood at the UVic Student Housing project for outstanding efforts to provide a safe workplace and for being a positive example to the company. Thank you Allison for everything that you contribute to ensuring our workplaces are…